This weekend I was one of 20 bakers selected to participate in the first vegan bake-off, held at the Bell House in Brooklyn, NY.
There were 3 judges:
Sarah Gross, the founder of Rescue Chocolate (, whose peanut butter pit bull chocolate bar is a must try. She is also the organizer of the NYC Vegetarian Food Festival (, which is coming up in just a few short weeks.
Myq Kaplan, a comedian and creator of the podcast "Hang Out with Me." (
Adam Sobel, owner of the Cinnamon Snail, the most amazing food truck. Ever. And it's vegan. If you live in NYC, you MUST try Cinnamon Snail. Some of my favorite are the ancho chili seitan burger and the seitan al pastor sandwich.
For the competition, I created 250+ cookie sandwiches and named them "Girlfriend in a Sugar Coma (I know, I know, it's Speculoos) Cookie Sandwiches." For those of you who don't get the reference, one of my favorite Smiths songs is called Girlfriend in a Coma, and the chorus goes like this: "girlfriend in a coma, I know, I know, it's serious..." For those of you who are wondering what Speculoos is, all you need to know is that you should run out and buy some right now. Okay, okay, I'll give you a little more than that. Speculoos are Belgian cookies (marketed as Biscoff in the US), and it comes in an addictive spread. The cookies are ground into a paste (like the consistency of peanut butter), and the result is cookie butter. I used the Speculoos spread in the filling of the cookies, and turned it into a frosting-like filling.

There were awards for 1st/2nd/3rd places, and the audience choice award. I received one of each! I received the 3rd place award AND and the audience choice award. How awesome is that?!